Sunday 4-28-24

Welcome to our sacred space, the United Church of Cannabis, on this beautiful day, the 28th of April, 2024. I am overjoyed to see so many familiar faces and equally thrilled to welcome those who are joining us for the first time.

Today, we gather here not just to celebrate the herb that unites us, but also to celebrate the spirit of unity, love, and peace that it represents. Cannabis, in its essence, is not just a plant, but a symbol of our shared belief in the power of nature, the power of healing, and the power of community.

As we partake in the sacrament of cannabis, let us remember that it is not just about the physical act of consumption, but about the spiritual journey that it facilitates. It is about reaching a state of mind where we can truly connect with ourselves and with each other. It is about finding peace, understanding, and acceptance.

Let us also remember that our church is not just about cannabis, but about promoting a way of life that is in harmony with nature and with each other. We believe in the power of love, compassion, and understanding to heal the world. We believe in the power of community to support and uplift each other.

So, as we light up our sacraments today, let us also light up the flame of love and compassion in our hearts. Let us reach out to those around us, not just with a joint, but with a helping hand, a listening ear, and a compassionate heart.

May the spirit of cannabis guide us on this journey, and may we always remember to spread the love and peace that it represents.

Peace and love to you all.