Sunday 4-7-2024

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Beloved congregation, seekers of enlightenment, peace, and understanding, welcome to the United Church of Cannabis. Today, as we gather under the sacred canopy of unity and acceptance, let us open our hearts and minds to the ancient and venerable plant that brings us together—cannabis.

Let us invoke the spirit of togetherness, as we share in the communion of this natural gift. May we recognize the sacred bond that cannabis helps to forge amongst us, transcending boundaries, and inviting a deep sense of community.

In the beginning, the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed, and we found that within the cannabis plant, there was a power—a power to heal, to inspire, to connect, and to comfort. It is with this knowledge that we approach the sacred herb not just as a substance but as a symbol of our shared humanity and our desire to seek a higher understanding.

As we partake in the blessings of cannabis, let us do so with reverence. For it is more than mere indulgence; it is a sacrament, a sacred act of connecting with the divine within and all around us. It is our way to honor the earth, our temple, and the bounty it provides.

In our fellowship, we embrace all walks of life, every creed, color, and kind. Here, judgment is left at the door, and only love and acceptance dwell within these walls. In this sanctuary, we acknowledge that the essence of our being is not defined by our differences but by the universal truths that bind us—love, compassion, and the pursuit of happiness.

Today, let us reflect upon the teachings of kindness, the parables of patience, and the stories of strength that cannabis has brought into our lives. Let us share our testimonies of healing, of friendships forged in smoke-filled rooms, of laughter that filled our lungs as deeply as the sacred vapors we inhale.

Dear friends, as we elevate our minds and soothe our bodies, we also nourish our souls. Cannabis serves as a reminder that life is to be cherished, that each moment is a gift, and that true enlightenment comes from understanding and celebrating our connection to all living things.

In our quest for spiritual growth, let us remember that cannabis is but one of many paths to the divine. It is a guide, a teacher, and a friend along the journey. It teaches us to be present, to embrace the now, and to release the worries that cloud our minds.

As we conclude our service today, let us carry forth the peace we’ve cultivated here into the world outside. Let us be beacons of love, tolerance, and understanding. And let us remember that the sacred plant we honor is but one expression of the infinite love that the universe holds for each of us.

Go forth with joy in your hearts and peace in your souls, uplifted by the spirit of cannabis and the unity it inspires. Blessings to you all, and may the light of acceptance and understanding guide your path until we meet again.

Amen, and pass the peace.